Disclaimer: This app is not able to distinguish consistently between stressed closed and open /e/ and /o/ when not marked as "ê" and "é", or "ô" and "ó", as this may require grammatical parsing or other information which this app does not have to disambiguate homographs (See: dicionario.priberam.org). Such phonemes not disambiguated by this app will be displayed as "e/ɛ" and as "o/ɔ", but I have tried to make it distinguish these sounds as much as I reasonably can by using word lists with thousands of words with distinctions. IPA speaker site 1 IPA 2 IPA 3 |
[] → [] / {}_ _{} {}_{} Example to aspirate ɾ before n or l: [ɾ] → [ɦ] / _{[nl]} ᶞ ᵝ ˠ ʰ ʷ ʱ ˣ ⁿ ʲ ː ˈ ˌ χʎɸɰɺʤʧɁɾθθ̬β̞ð̞ɣ̞ʒʃŋs̺s̪z̺z̪łɦ∅ʝɟɱɲʁɹd̝«»¡¿ |
Clear all checkboxes. Lock feature checkboxes to prevent clearing them all when selecting a new dialect (more features may be added). (Disabled) Vowel sandhi (Surround any words with _underscores_ to avoid vowel sandhi) (Disabled) Synalepha (Surround any words with _underscores_ to avoid synalepha) (Disabled) Syneresis inside words, e.g. reˈal → [ˈrjaɫ] /a/ open except final unstressed: /a/[-stress] → [ɐ] / _(s)#; otherwise /a/ → [a] /a/ final unstressed not closed: /a/[-stress] → [a] / _# /a/ nasal open: /ã/ → [ã] Affricate /ʃ/: /ʃ/ → [ʧ] Affricate /ʒ/: /ʒ/ → [ʤ] Affricate /d, t/ before [i, ĩ, j]: /d/ → [ʤ]; /t/ → [ʧ] / _{i, ĩ, j} Affricate /d, t/ after [i, ĩ, j]: /d/ → [ʤ]; /t/ → [ʧ] / {i, ĩ, j}_ Palatalized /d, t/ before [i, ĩ, j]: /d/ → [dʲ]; /t/ → [tʲ] / _{i, ĩ, j} [aj] becomes [ɐj] before /m, n/: /aj/ → [ɐj] / _{m, n} [aj] becomes nasalized [ɐ̃j̃] before /m, n/: /aj/ → [ɐ̃j̃] / _{m, n} -ando, -endo and -indo reduced: /ando, endo, indo/ → [ɐnu, enu, inu] /b, d, g/ approximant after vowels or /s/: /b, d, g/ → [β, ð, ɣ] / {V, s}(#)_. Denasalize final unstressed vowels: /Ṽ/ → [V] / V[+stress]..._# Diphthongs reduced to monophthongs: /Vj, Vw/ → /V/ / _]σ Diphthongs ending in [j] reduced to monophthongs: /Vj/ → /V/ / _]σ Diphthongs ending in [j] reduced to monophthongs before /ʃ, ʒ, ɾ/ : /Vj/ → /V/ / _{ʃ, ʒ, ɾ} /e/ not [ɨ] at start of word: /e[-stress]/ → [i] / #_ /ei/ reduced to /e/: [ej] → [e] /ei/ lowered to /ɐj/: [ej] → [ɐj] Paragogic [i] at end of infinitives: /ar, er, ir/ → [ari, êri, iri] / _# I-Epenthesis: C¹C² → C¹iC²; C¹# → C¹i# / C¹[-liquid][-sibilant] Forms of verb "estar" lose es-: /estáɾ, está/ etc. → [taɾ, ta] etc. Aspirate /ʒ/: /ʒ/ → [h] Yod j: /j/ → [j] /l/ with rhotacism at end of syllable: /l/ → [ɾ] / _{C, #} /l/ with rhotacism after consonant: /Cl/ → [Cɾ] / {b, f, g, k, p, v}_{V} Syllable-final /l/ becomes [w]: /l/ → [w] / _{C, #} /l/ lost at end of word: /l/ → ∅ / _# /l/ and /n/ palatalized before [i, ĩ, j]: /l, n/ → [ʎ, ɲ} / _{i, ĩ, j} Ieísmo: /ʎ/ → [j]. /il/ becomes /ilh/: /l/ → [ʎ] / i_. /lh/ becomes [lj]: /ʎ/ → [lj]. /lh/ becomes [l]: /ʎ/ → [l]. Nasal consonants not lost after nasalized vowels in same syllable. Nasalize any vowels followed immediately by a nasal consonant at the start of the next syllable in the same word: /a, e, i, o, u/ → [ɐ̃, ẽ, ĩ, õ, ũ] / _]σ{/m/, /n/, /ɲ/} Nasalize stressed vowels followed immediately by a nasal consonant at the start of the next syllable in the same word: /á, ê, é, í, ô, ó, ú/ → [ɐ̃, ẽ, ẽ, ĩ, õ, õ, ũ] / _]σ{/m/, /n/, /ɲ/} /nh/ becomes [j̃] and nasalizes preceding vowel: /Vɲ/ → /Ṽj̃/ /ni/ becomes [nhi]: /ni/ → [ɲi] Stressed /ô/ raised to /u/: [ˈo] → [ˈu] /ou/ reduced to /o/: [ow] → [o] /ou/ becomes /oi/: [ow] → [oj] /r/ glottal: /r/ → [ɦ] /r/ voiced uvular: /r/ → [ʁ] /r/ uvular: /r/ → [χ] |
/r/ velar: /r/ → [x] /ɾ/ lost at end of word: /ɾ/ → ∅ / _# /ɾ/ lost at end of syllable: /ɾ/ → ∅ / _]σ /ɾ/ approximant at end of syllable: /ɾ/ → [ɹ] / _{C, #} /ɾ/ uvular at syllable end: /ɾ/ → [χ] / _(#){C̥, ||}; /ɾ/ → [ʁ] / _(#)C̬ /ɾ/ velar at syllable end: /ɾ/ → [x] / _(#){C̥, ||}; /ɾ/ → [ɦ] / _(#)C̬ /ɾ/ glottal at syllable end: /ɾ/ → [h] / _(#){C̥, ||}; /ɾ/ → [ɣ] / _(#)C̬ /ɾ/ and consonant become geminate: /ɾ/ → C / _(#)C /ɾ/ becomes [j] at end of syllable: /ɾ/ → [j] / _{C, #} /s/ apicoalveolar: /s/ → [s̺]; /ç/ → [s] /s, ç, z/ apicoalveolar: /s, ç/ → [s̺]; /z/ → [z̺] Aspirate /s/ at end of syllable: /s/ → [h] / _]σ /s/ coronal: /s/ → [s̪] /s/ palatalized at end of breath group: /s/ → [ʃ] / _|| /s/ palatalized at end of syllable, except before vowel, /s/ or /z/: /s/ → [ʃ] / _]σ{(#)C̥ non /s/, ||}; /s/ → [ʒ] / _]σ{(#)C̬ non /z/}; /s/ → [s] / _]σ{(#)s}; /s/ → [z] / _]σ{(#)z, V, ||} /s/ palatalized at end of word before stressed vowel: /s/ → [ʒ] / _#V[+stress] /s/ palatalized at end of word before unstressed vowel: /s/ → [ʒ] / _#V[-stress] /s/ palatalized before consonant: /s/ → [ʃ] / _(#)C̥; /s/ → [ʒ] / _(#)C̬ /s/ palatalized before consonant in same word: /s/ → [ʃ] / _C̥; /s/ → [ʒ] / _C̬ /s/ palatalized before /d, n, t, l/: /s/ → [ʃ] / _(#)t; /s/ → [ʒ] / _(#){d, n, l} /s/ lost at end of breath group: /s/ → ∅ / _|| /s/ lost at end of syllable: /s/ → ∅ / _]σ /s/ lost at end of word: /s/ → ∅ / _# /s/ lost before /ce, ci/: /s/ → ∅ / _{ce, ci} /s/ often lost at end of plural nouns, e.g. os livro. Back final unstressed /e/ vowels: /e/[-stress] → [ɨ] / _(s)# Drop final /e, o/ vowels if word pronounceable: /e, o/ → [∅] / (non .Cr, .Cl)_# Offglide before final sibilants in stressed syllables: /V́/ → /V́j/ / _{s, z}# Pretonic vowel /e, o/ raised or lowered to harmonize with stressed vowel in three groups: [a, ε, ɔ], [ɐ, e, o] and [i, u] Open /e, ɛ/ vowels before palatals: /e, ɛ/ → [ɐj] / _{ʎ, ɲ, ʃ, ʒ}; /e, ɛ/ → [ɐ] / _/j/ Open /ẽj̃/: /ẽj̃/ → [ɐ̃j̃] Open final unstressed /e, o/ vowels: /e, o/[-stress] → [ɪ, ʊ] / _(s)# Open pretonic /e, o/ vowels in open syllables: /e, o/ → [ɛ, ɔ] / _]σ...V[+stress] Raise pretonic /e, o/ vowels: /e, o/ → [i, u] / _V[+stress] Raise pretonic /a, e, o/ vowels in open syllables: /a, e, o/ → [ɐ, ɨ, u] / _]σ...V[+stress] Raise posttonic /a, e, o/ vowels in open syllables: /a, e, o/ → [ɐ, i, u] / V[+stress]..._]σ Raise /e/ before palatals: /e/ → [ɨ] / V[+stress]..._{ʃ, ʒ, ʎ, ɲ} Raise /e, ẽ, o, õ/: /e/ → [i]; /ẽ/ → [ĩ]; /o/ → [u]; /õ/ → [ũ] Raise or neutralize posttonic /a, e, o/ vowels in open syllables: /a, e, o/ → [ɐ, ə, u] / V[+stress]..._]σ Reduce /kç, pç/ to /s/, and /kt, pt/ to /t/: /kç, pç/ → [s]; /kt, pt/ → [t] /v/ becomes /b/: [v] → [b, β] /v/ becomes [ɦ] in unstressed syllables: [v] → [ɦ] / _V[-stress] /z/ becomes /ʒ/: [z] → [ʒ] Note: "#" is word boundary. "||" is breath (phonic) group boundary. "]σ" is end of syllable. |
Alentejan Algarvian Alto-Minhotan Angolan Azorian-Micaelense Bahian Baixo-Beiran or Alto-Alentejan |
Baixo-Minhoto-Duriense Beiran Brasiliense or Candango Cabo-Verdian Caipira Carioca |
Cearense or Costanortenhan Estremenhan Florianopolitan Fluminense Gaucho Goitacan Lisboan |
Madeirense Mineiro or Montanhese Mozambican Nordestinan Nortistan Paulistan Recifense Sertanejan |
Sulistan Timorense Transmontan UruguayanBorder |
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